This shit just doesn't make any sense. We've seen a lot of heinous acts over the years. But at least in the past there's been some reason, some cause and effect. When I say reason, I don't mean justification by any means. Sept. 11th was radical extremists who hated America and attacked us. Unjustifiable and unforgivable, but for fucks sake at least there was a reason we could connect the dots with. Columbine...2 fucked up kids who were retaliating for being picked on, bullied, and outcast. Unjustifiable and unforgivable, but there's at least a cause and effect. Dude hates Sikh's for whatever fucked up reason and goes and shoots up a Sikh temple. Dude hates his boss or co-workers and goes and shoots up the place. These are all horrible fucked up totally tragic events that AT LEAST HAVE SOME FUCKING CAUSE.
This one has no cause. The guy shot his mom because whatever, ok I get that. Well no I don't but at least there's some sort of relationship there. But then he hops in her car, goes to the school, and... There's no reason. There won't be a reason, there can't be one. I don't know why that makes it more upsetting but it does. It's not like the other shit I mentioned before is any less upsetting because we do have some sort of fucked up reason.
So WTF is going on? It's not guns. I'm not trying to spark that debate, but look, Connecticut has tough anti-gun laws. That school was a gun free zone. No gun control law would have stopped what happened today. You may disagree, honestly I don't think it matters, because here's the real point: This shit just didn't happen 20, 30, 40 years ago. We had guns then, we had fewer gun control laws then. And yet this kind of thing happened very rarely. Almost never. So the gun control laws aren't stopping this kind of shit or even slowing it down. So maybe we need more gun control or maybe we don't, but getting too wrapped up in that debate is distracting from the real cause of all this. There has to be something else.
That's the question that has to be answered, WTF is going on??? I honestly don't know. But we need to figure that shit out sooner rather than later. What is different now than 30 years ago, when guns were just as abundant (probably more so) and yet we almost never heard about shit like this? We felt safe going to school or sending kids there. We felt safe going to work or going to a movie. We could go fly somewhere without worrying. Shit maybe, until we figure out what's causing all these people to go wacko, we need to get rid of as many means of carrying out these violent acts as we can, I don't know. But that still doesn't solve the real issue. And it might not even put a band aid on it, because if we take away all the guns these fuckers will probably just go Tim McVeigh and start bombing shit with fertilizer and gasoline filled trucks. Do we ban all that too?
This rant is filled with questions and has no answers because...I fucking have no answers, just a bunch of questions. But we better all start asking these questions, and coming up with some answers.