But apparently it's also a restaurant. And now I'm seeing all this uproar about Chick Fil-A and how they are horrible and rotten and evil and nobody should eat their chikin and they can go rot in hell. And I'm cool with that, because as Americans we have the right to choose who we do business with. We have the right to speak our minds and say whatever the hell we want. I also think the owners of Chick-fil-A have the right to say whatever the hell they want as well. What I don't agree with, what I think is total bullshit, is that the mayors of three major US cities are trying to stop Chick-fil-A from opening stores in their cities.
Look, if you want to boycott a place because you don't like their stance on gay marriage, go for it. Again that's what makes this country great, that you can eat wherever you want based on whatever you want. Personally, I could give a rat's ass how they feel about gay marriage. Is their chicken good? Hell I don't even know, I had barely even heard of the place until a few days ago. But really that's all I care about. I boycott restaurants because their food or service blows. That's pretty much my only criteria.
And then there's the backlash support from religious wackos and right wingers that now want to go eat at Chick fil-A just because they are anti-gay marriage. What if these people hate the food? Shit I wouldn't go choke down some disgusting food just because the owners had the same political beliefs as me, any more than I would boycott a place I loved to eat at just because they were run by bigoted idiots.
Honestly, in a way I admire the owners of Chick-fil-A. These days everybody just says whatever the fuck they think everyone else wants to hear. Nobody is honest anymore, everyone is full of shit. But not these guys. I'm sure they are aware that their opinions are unpopular and that by openly stating them it would cause a backlash and possibly hurt their business. But they are sticking to their convictions. We need people like this. Because how the hell can you ever have an honest debate about anything if everyone is just going around saying what they think everyone wants to hear?
Now what really makes me laugh about this whole situation is how KFC is trying to capitalize on it. I saw a picture of a billboard that said something like "our chicken is made without hate" or something like that. And now all the leftist liberals are literally eating up this message and going to KFC. Really? Aren't they the same rotten bastards that all the animal rights activists tried to put out of business a few years ago because they supposedly torture chickens?
So where are we going with all this? Are we going to start choosing who we do business with based on whether they are pro-gay marriage, or pro-life, or pro-this or anti-that? Not me. Just give me some good chicken and I'm a happy guy.
Well, writing this longwinded bunch of crap has me really wanting some fried chicken right about now. Anybody know what Popeye's thinks about Obamacare....?
Look, if you want to boycott a place because you don't like their stance on gay marriage, go for it. Again that's what makes this country great, that you can eat wherever you want based on whatever you want. Personally, I could give a rat's ass how they feel about gay marriage. Is their chicken good? Hell I don't even know, I had barely even heard of the place until a few days ago. But really that's all I care about. I boycott restaurants because their food or service blows. That's pretty much my only criteria.
And then there's the backlash support from religious wackos and right wingers that now want to go eat at Chick fil-A just because they are anti-gay marriage. What if these people hate the food? Shit I wouldn't go choke down some disgusting food just because the owners had the same political beliefs as me, any more than I would boycott a place I loved to eat at just because they were run by bigoted idiots.
Honestly, in a way I admire the owners of Chick-fil-A. These days everybody just says whatever the fuck they think everyone else wants to hear. Nobody is honest anymore, everyone is full of shit. But not these guys. I'm sure they are aware that their opinions are unpopular and that by openly stating them it would cause a backlash and possibly hurt their business. But they are sticking to their convictions. We need people like this. Because how the hell can you ever have an honest debate about anything if everyone is just going around saying what they think everyone wants to hear?
Now what really makes me laugh about this whole situation is how KFC is trying to capitalize on it. I saw a picture of a billboard that said something like "our chicken is made without hate" or something like that. And now all the leftist liberals are literally eating up this message and going to KFC. Really? Aren't they the same rotten bastards that all the animal rights activists tried to put out of business a few years ago because they supposedly torture chickens?
So where are we going with all this? Are we going to start choosing who we do business with based on whether they are pro-gay marriage, or pro-life, or pro-this or anti-that? Not me. Just give me some good chicken and I'm a happy guy.
Well, writing this longwinded bunch of crap has me really wanting some fried chicken right about now. Anybody know what Popeye's thinks about Obamacare....?
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