So now everyone is freaking out about this "sequestor". And as usual our politicians are trying to tell us how horrible life will be if their agenda isn't followed. Liberals are telling us how the poor are all going to suffer and die, and the conservatives are telling us that our national security will be shot in the ass. Democrats are saying that if the wealthy aren't asked to pay a little more that the middle class and poor are fucked. The Republicans say that if we tax the wealthy more the whole economy will collapse and we're all fucked. And, as usual, they're all full of shit. Kinda.
But both sides are dramatizing this for political gain, which is what they wanted in the first place. What's basically happening now is both parties have allowed the sequester to kick in so they can point their fingers across the aisle and blame the other side for it. Because of course it's much more important to figure out whose fault things are than it is to actually work to solve the problem, right? Yeah, that's what I thought too...when I was 10 fucking years old.
Well, politicians, let me save you some time. I'll tell you whose fault it's our fault. It's "We the People", who voted all you assholes in office in the first place. We've sat back and watched you run this country into the ground for years. And yet we keep putting you in office. We keep rehiring you incompetent self serving assholes to run our government. And the worst part is, we all agree you are assholes. Take a look at this:
That's congress's approval ratings. Stays right around 80% disapproval, which only makes me wonder what the fuck the other 20% are thinking, but anyway... Here are the re-election rates for the House of Representatives since the 1960's: exactly is going on? How this is even possible boggles my mind.
I am as guilty as anyone. I haven't voted for a long time, because frankly nobody who ever runs for office really excites me. And in the past, I've never been a fan of voting "against" someone I don't like, I always felt I should be voting "for" someone I like. So if I don't see someone I like, I don't vote. Well, frankly, that shit is going to change, and I'm asking all of you to join me. Let's fire these assholes, every single goddam one of them. I don't care if they're Democrat, Republican, Communist, Libertarian or what the fuck they are. Vote em out. Clean house (literally) and start over.
First of all, that would send quite a message, don't you think? Part of the reason these people never do anything is because they know they don't have to. 80-90% get re-elected no matter what kind of job they do, no matter what their approval ratings are. I'll bet the new batch of senators and representatives will come in knowing that if they don't get the job done, we have no problem at all booting their asses out.
Second (or maybe first), we'll get rid of those responsible for this mess. All those career politicians will have to go find real jobs.
Yeah, they'll just become lobbyists and be better off anyway, but hey I can't solve every problem dammit...
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