So here’s the thing, I don’t see what the anti-war,
anti-gun, anti-Clint Eastwood anti-everything, left-wing extremist hippies are
all upset about. I walked out of that
theater thinking “what the hell were we doing over there in the first place?” I saw a lot of busted up, broken people,
broken lives, broken psyche’s, broken families, and lives lost and/or
destroyed. And for what? So that now we have a group running around
the middle east that’s even worse than the ones we tried to sweep out of
there. The place is a bigger mess than
we found it, that’s what we have to show for the sacrifices that Chris Kyle and
all of the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and their families have made over the last
14 years. What a goddam waste.
I want to be crystal clear…I have the utmost respect for all
of those I served with during that time.
The same to those who made those ultimate sacrifices. When I chose to go back into the Army it was
because I believed the line of bullshit I was being fed by our government. I still believe the cause was just, but back
then I also believed that going to war over there was the best course of
action. Now, hindsight as clear as it
is, I realize that while my intentions were good, as were those of all who
volunteered, the goals of the government were NOT peace and prosperity in the
Middle East and the safety and security of our citizens and interests. It was to perpetuate the chaos over there
that so many profit from.
We’re all such sheep.
Myself included. We bicker politically
amongst ourselves under the illusion that we are advancing one ideology or
another when in fact all of that has already been decided for us. Our political arguments are brilliantly
orchestrated by the Democrats and Republicans to keep us occupied and
blissfully unaware that at the end of the day shit’s gonna go the way they want
it to. We’re like 3 year olds whose
parents turn on Sponge Bob to keep us occupied and out of the way. We will keep having wars that cost money and
lives because that is how they stay in power.
That’s how their wealthy buddies stay in power. The politicians and those they work for
(which isn’t us) will keep finding new enemies to fight and if they run out they
will just create them.
I think those of you who know me know that I am far from a
tree-hugging, peace-nik who just blindly hates war and therefore all who are
involved in it. The military has been a
big part of my life, I acknowledge the many benefits I have derived from it
personally and that our country has benefitted as well. I believe in a strong military force to
defend our nation and protect the lives, property, and freedoms of our
Well this is getting long and boring as shit but I want to
leave off with one point. The next time
we start thinking about intervening in foreign affairs, we need to tally up the
costs of doing so before we take action.
How many American lives are we willing to destroy? How many of our sons and daughters are we
willing to watch get maimed and crippled?
How many families should we allow to be torn to shreds, how many great
young minds turned to broken, PTSD crippled mush? How much is it worth, especially if the true
agenda is lining the pockets of the wealthy rather than truly defending our
Chris Kyle was an American hero. So are all of those who served in combat,
risked their lives, and made all the sacrifices that were made in hopes of
protecting each other and our nation.
You got a problem with the wars, attack the wars. Attack the politicians that got us into those
wars. But don’t ever attack those who
risked everything to protect us.