So anyway, now we've supposedly gone over this cliff. This "cliff" cuts 109 billion in spending from the 3,795 billion that we spend now. That's a 3% cut (and probably spread out over 10 years, so whatever). We should cut 109 billion in spending, maybe not in the way this cliff does, but we should. We should cut 3 or 4 times that.
I could cut about 55 billion of it in one stroke...get rid of foreign aid. All of it, every dime. I know a lot of it goes to fight AIDS and starvation and poverty but sorry, we can't afford it. We're broke. If my buddy is in a jam and comes to me for help, if I have the money I'll give it to him. But, if I'm broke, then I'm broke. Tough shit bro, guess you gotta go find someone else. Especially if that "buddy" aided and abetted a guy who blew up my house. Yeah, I'm talking to you, Pakistan, and the 4 billion we give you alone...
Next step, stop sticking our nose in every single foreign conflict that comes along. We've created our own enemies by doing it in the past and I'm all for squashing those enemies, but in the meantime stop going around making more enemies at the cost of money and more importantly lives. We could easily save 50 billion a year (out of a 800+ billion military budget) just by doing that.
Next, end this "War" on drugs. We spend $15 billion a year in order to set up a system where drug demand is met by violent drug cartels in foreign countries and gangs in the US. You don't see any beer cartels, do you? Nobody's going to middle schools and high schools trying to get kids hooked on Crown Royal. There's no money in it for violent criminals because it's legal. We have laws to deal with those who use alcohol irresponsibly but we don't spend billions criminalizing its responsible use by private citizens in their own homes. So we save 15 billion more and eliminate drug gangs and cartels all in one shot, not to mention the tax revenue gained.
I'd tell every single government agency, every organization that gets any money whatsoever from the government that they're getting 5% less from now on. Deal with it. Fix your own budgets. Get rid of the waste. I guarantee you there's not one government agency that doesn't flat out waste at least 10% of what it spends. I'm only knocking off 5%.
So there you go...5% across the board (190 billion) and 120 billion by cutting out foreign aid, foreign meddling, and the drug war. And I did that in an hour while watching football.
By the way, Congress...congratulations on your raise...
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