Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Politics, Politics, Politics...

The political rhetoric in this country has gotten completely out of hand.  I'm sure this rant is going to piss some people off but I'm gonna say what I gotta say without holding anything back, just like all of you do.  The shit that I see every day from politicians and from friends and others on the internet and facebook is out of control.  You wanna know why there's gridlock in Washington and nothing ever gets done?  Because you can't have a fucking normal decent political conversation anymore, that's why.  What passes as political discourse is nothing but insults, accusations, lies and exaggerations mixed with slander that results in nothing but more division and animosity.

I don't agree with almost anything about President Obama's political views or ideology.  I strongly oppose the forcable redistribution of wealth, socialized medicine, pretty much all of the things Obama and the Left stand for fiscally. But I don't think the guy's an asshole.  More importantly I definitely don't think he is deliberately trying to ruin the country.  Maybe you think his policies are detrimental to growth and to solving our problems, and in most cases I would agree.  But to question his intent is outrageous and totally uncalled for.  Show some respect, like it or not he is our President.

I'm not just picking on conservatives, liberals are just as bad.  No, the Tea Party doesn't want children dead just because they support the second amendment.  Conservatives don't oppose socialized health care because they enjoy seeing the poor and elderly die in the streets.  The tone of the last presidential campaign was so antagonistic and disrespectful that it just fueled the already widening gap in this country that makes any real intelligent political conversation impossible anymore.

I'm a Libertarian, so I have plenty of issues and disagreements with both liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans.  Now I could just sit back and focus on those and rip both sides to shreds and call them names.  I don't, because I realize that a vast majority of people on both sides do want what's best for the country.  Their intentions are just and good.  That's what political discourse should be based on.  Mutual respect.  Finding common ground, working through differences through intelligent conversation and debate.  Not name calling, personal attacks and paranoia.

We want our elected representatives to solve problems and accomplish things.  We don't want them sitting up in Washington bickering and posturing while the country goes to hell in a handbasket.  Well maybe we all need to set an example for them, since they can't seem to figure it out themselves.  Maybe we need to start debating the issues of the day in an intelligent, respectful manner.  A liberal is no less a patriot than a conservative.  Not by ideology alone anyway.  Maybe I'm naive, but I believe all but a select few subversives do care deeply about their country and their fellow countrymen, we just all have different ideas on how to make it a great country. 

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