Friday, July 13, 2012

A lucky man

So I posted this one on facebook last week and for some reason about 800 people liked it so I guess it's worth reposting here it is....

first argument with the scumbag neighbors and their dogshit filled lawn...

Oh shit sorry...wrong's the one I meant...

I'm a lucky man in so many ways. I think about what I used to stress over, like how I was going to get to work the next day, or how or when I was gonna catch up with the rent or the electric bill...and now my biggest worry is how I'm gonna get all the shit I bought over the last couple weeks to my new house in point is, no matter how things seem or how bad things appear now, if you work hard and focus on how to improve things sometimes one little thing at time, and have faith in yourself and your plan, that things will eventually improve. And in the meantime, remember that no matter how shitty things are, things are always even shittier for someone else, so count your blessings every day

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